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미국 캐나다 생활영어: A has it over B


미국 캐나다 생활영어: A has it over B

미국 캐나다 생활영어: A has it over B


미국 캐나다 실생활 영어 알려드리는 카니잉글리시입니다 ^^


"미국 캐나다 생활영어: A has it over B"

A 가 B 보다 낫다, 우월하다 라는 뜻으로 아주 유용한 표현입니다.

예문으로 뉘앙스 확실히 파악하고 가겠습니다.



*파트 A는 영어만 / B는 한국어 해석과 같이 구성되어 있습니다. 

A로 말하기 연습을 하고 본인이 이해한 것이 맞는지 B로 확인하시기 바랍니다.    



1) Sarah has it over her colleagues when it comes to problem-solving skills.


2) The new smartphone has it over its competitors with its innovative features and sleek design.


3) In terms of experience, John has it over the other candidates applying for the position.


4) The championship team has it over their rivals in terms of teamwork and strategy.


5) This restaurant has it over the others in town with its exceptional service and diverse menu.


6) The electric car has it over traditional vehicles in terms of environmental friendliness and efficiency.


7) The talented young artist has it over established painters with her unique style and creativity.


8) The new software has it over the old version with its improved functionality and user-friendly interface.


9) In the debate, the expert had it over his opponent with a deeper understanding of the subject.


10) The online streaming service has it over cable TV in terms of convenience and a vast content library.


1) Sarah has it over her colleagues when it comes to problem-solving skills.

Sarah는 문제 해결 능력에서 동료들에 비해 우위에 있다.

2) The new smartphone has it over its competitors with its innovative features and sleek design.

새로운 스마트폰은 혁신적인 기능과 세련된 디자인으로 경쟁 상대들에 비해 우위에 있다.

3) In terms of experience, John has it over the other candidates applying for the position.

경험 측면에서 John은 그 직책에 지원한 다른 지원자들에 비해 우위에 있다.

4) The championship team has it over their rivals in terms of teamwork and strategy.

챔피언십 팀은 팀워크와 전략에서 경쟁 상대에 비해 우위에 있다.

5) This restaurant has it over the others in town with its exceptional service and diverse menu.

이 음식점은 탁월한 서비스와 다양한 메뉴로 다른 음식점에 비해 우위에 있다.

6) The electric car has it over traditional vehicles in terms of environmental friendliness and efficiency.

전기 자동차는 환경 친화성과 효율성에서 전통적인 차량에 비해 우위에 있다.

7) The talented young artist has it over established painters with her unique style and creativity.

재능 있는 젊은 예술가는 독특한 스타일과 창의성으로 다른 화가들에 비해 우위에 있다.

8) The new software has it over the old version with its improved functionality and user-friendly interface.

새 소프트웨어는 기능의 향상과 사용자 친화적 인터페이스로 이전 버전에 비해 우위에 있다.

9) In the debate, the expert had it over his opponent with a deeper understanding of the subject.

토론에서 전문가는 주제에 대한 깊은 이해로 상대에 비해 우위에 있다.

10) The online streaming service has it over cable TV in terms of convenience and a vast content library.

온라인 스트리밍 서비스는 편의성과 방대한 콘텐츠 라이브러리에서 케이블 TV에 비해 우위에 있다.


*상황에 따라서 다양하게 해석했습니다. 

*프린트해서 필기를 하면서 공부하시면 더욱 도움이 될 겁니다. 

카니잉글리시의 블로그와 함께 즐거운 영어공부 되셨기를 바랍니다. 


제자님, 구독자님, 손님 그리고 영어회화를 연습하는 모든 이들이
영어를 정복하는 그날까지  응원합니다!

p.s 수업 문의는 댓글 남겨주세요^^

