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미국 캐나다 생활 영어: By the skin of my teeth

미국 캐나다 생활 영어: By the skin of my teeth

미국 캐나다 생활 영어: By the skin of my teeth


미국 캐나다 실생활 영어 알려드리는 카니잉글리시입니다 ^^

"By the skin of my teeth"

"by the skin of my teeth" 표현은 매우 좁거나 가까운 상황에서의 탈출을 전달하기 위해 사용되는 관용구입니다. 누군가가 "by the skin of their teeth"으로 성공했거나 생존했다고 말할 때, 그들은 간신히 성공했거나, 결과가 매우 가까웠거나 실패나 재앙을 가까스로 피했다는 것을 의미합니다.


한 마디로

"간신히 또는 가까스로"라는 소리입니다. ^^

예문으로 뉘앙스 확실히 파악하고 가겠습니다.


*파트 A는 영어만 / B는 한국어 해석과 같이 구성되어 있습니다.

A로 말하기 연습을 하고 본인이 이해한 것이 맞는지 B로 확인하시기 바랍니다.


1) I missed the train, but I caught it by the skin of my teeth.


2) The team won the championship by the skin of their teeth, scoring in the last seconds of the game.


3) I finished the exam by the skin of my teeth; it was much harder than I expected.


4) He avoided a car accident by the skin of his teeth, swerving at the last moment.


5) She completed the marathon by the skin of her teeth, crossing the finish line just before collapsing.


6) The company narrowly avoided bankruptcy by the skin of its teeth.


7) We made it to the airport by the skin of our teeth and barely caught our flight.


8) The rescue team reached the stranded climbers by the skin of their teeth, just before nightfall.


9) Despite the storm, the outdoor event continued by the skin of its teeth.


10) The project deadline was met by the skin of our teeth, thanks to everyone working overtime.


1) I missed the train, but I caught it by the skin of my teeth.

기차를 놓쳤지만 가까스로 기차를 탑승했다.

2) The team won the championship by the skin of their teeth, scoring in the last seconds of the game.

팀은 경기의 마지막 순간에 득점하여 간신히 챔피언십을 차지했다.

3) I finished the exam by the skin of my teeth; it was much harder than I expected.

나는 간신히 시험을 끝냈어, 내가 기대한 것보다 훨씬 어려웠다.

4) He avoided a car accident by the skin of his teeth, swerving at the last moment.

그는 차 사고를 간신히 피해, 마지막 순간에 트여 벗어났다.

5) She completed the marathon by the skin of her teeth, crossing the finish line just before collapsing.

그녀는 간신히 마라톤을 완주했고, 쓰러지기 직전에 결승선을 통과했다.

6) The company narrowly avoided bankruptcy by the skin of its teeth.

그 회사는 간신히 파산을 피해냈다.

7) We made it to the airport by the skin of our teeth and barely caught our flight.

우리는 가까스로 공항에 도착하여 간신히 우리 비행기를 탔다.

8) The rescue team reached the stranded climbers by the skin of their teeth, just before nightfall.

구조 팀은 일몰 직전에 가까스로 갇힌 등산객들에게 도착했다.

9) Despite the storm, the outdoor event continued by the skin of its teeth.

폭풍에도 불구하고 야외 행사는 간신히 계속되었다.

10) The project deadline was met by the skin of our teeth, thanks to everyone working overtime.

프로젝트 마감 기한은 우리가 야근으로 간신히 맞춰졌다.


*상황에 따라서 다양하게 해석했습니다.

*프린트해서 필기를 하면서 공부하시면 더욱 도움이 될 겁니다.

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p.s 수업 문의는 댓글 남겨주세요^^
