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미국 캐나다 생활 영어: Can I get by?


미국 캐나다 생활 영어: Can I get by?

미국 캐나다 생활 영어: Can I get by? 


미국 캐나다 실생활 영어 알려드리는 카니잉글리시입니다 ^^

"Can I get by?"

"Can I get by?"라는 표현은 일반적으로 특정한 공간을 통과하거나 특정한 동작을 진행할 때 허락이나 확인을 요청하는 데 사용됩니다. 이 표현은 종종 장애물이나 방해물이 있는 상황에서 사용되며, 다른 사람들에게 불편을 끼치지 않고 움직일 수 있는지 확인하고 싶을 때 사용됩니다.

한 마디로

"지나가도 될까요?"라는 소리입니다. ^^

예문으로 뉘앙스 확실히 파악하고 가겠습니다.


*파트 A는 영어만 / B는 한국어 해석과 같이 구성되어 있습니다.



1) In a crowded elevator, you might politely ask,

"Excuse me, can I get by? I need to get off on the next floor."


2) When someone is blocking the grocery store aisle with their shopping cart, you could say,

"Can I get by, please?"


3) In a busy conference room, if people are seated and you need to reach a seat in the middle,

you could ask, "Can I get by to my seat in the middle?"


4) When walking through a crowded park, you might say,

"Excuse me, can I get by? Thank you."


5) In a line at the airport security checkpoint, you could ask the person in front,

"Can I get by to access the empty lane?"


6) If someone is standing in front of a store shelf you want to reach, you might say,

"Excuse me, can I get by to grab this item?"


7) In a movie theater, if someone is blocking your seat, you could ask,

"Can I get by to reach my seat in the middle of the row?"


8) When entering a room where people are closely packed, you might say,

"Can I get by to find a seat at the back?"


9) In a crowded bus, if you need to exit, you could ask,

"Can I get by, please? I need to get off at the next stop."


10) When navigating through a crowded street during a festival, you might say,

"Excuse me, can I get by? I'm trying to meet my friends on the other side."



1) In a crowded elevator, you might politely ask,

"Excuse me, can I get by? I need to get off on the next floor."

붐비는 엘리베이터에서 공손하게 "실례합니다, 저 지나갈 수 있을까요? 다음 층에서 내려야 해요."

2) When someone is blocking the grocery store aisle with their shopping cart, you could say,

"Can I get by, please?"

누군가가 장바구니로 식료품 가게 통로를 막고 있을 때 "실례합니다, 지나갈 수 있을까요?"

3) In a busy conference room, if people are seated and you need to reach a seat in the middle,

you could ask, "Can I get by to my seat in the middle?"

붐비는 회의실에서 사람들이 앉아 있고 중간에 자리에 다가가야 할 때 "중간 자리로 갈 수 있을까요?"

4) When walking through a crowded park, you might say,

"Excuse me, can I get by? Thank you."

붐비는 공원을 걸을 때 "실례합니다, 지나갈 수 있을까요? 감사합니다."

5) In a line at the airport security checkpoint, you could ask the person in front,

"Can I get by to access the empty lane?"

공항 보안 검사대에서 줄에 서 있는 경우, 앞에 있는 사람에게 "빈 라인에 가려면 지나갈 수 있을까요?"라고 

물을 수 있습니다.

6) If someone is standing in front of a store shelf you want to reach, you might say,

"Excuse me, can I get by to grab this item?"

누군가가 당신이 닿으려는 상점 선반 앞에 서 있을 때 "실례합니다, 이 상품 가져가려면 지나갈 수 있을까요?"

7) In a movie theater, if someone is blocking your seat, you could ask,

"Can I get by to reach my seat in the middle of the row?"

영화관에서 누군가가 당신의 좌석을 막고 있을 때 "중간 행에 자리 찾으러 지나갈 수 있을까요?"

8) When entering a room where people are closely packed, you might say,

"Can I get by to find a seat at the back?"

사람들이 가까이 있는 방에 들어갈 때 "실례합니다, 뒤에 자리 찾으러 지나갈 수 있을까요?"

9) In a crowded bus, if you need to exit, you could ask,

"Can I get by, please? I need to get off at the next stop."

붐비는 버스에서 내려야 할 때 "실례합니다, 내려야 하는데 지나갈 수 있을까요?"

10) When navigating through a crowded street during a festival, you might say,

"Excuse me, can I get by? I'm trying to meet my friends on the other side."

축제 중에 붐비는 거리를 걸을 때 "실례합니다, 지나갈 수 있을까요? 다른 쪽에서 친구들 만나려고 해요."



*상황에 따라서 다양하게 해석했습니다.

*프린트해서 필기를 하면서 공부하시면 더욱 도움이 될 겁니다.

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p.s 수업 문의는 댓글 남겨주세요^^
