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미국 캐나다 생활 영어: Cut out for

미국 캐나다 생활 영어: Cut out for

미국 캐나다 생활 영어: Cut out for


미국 캐나다 실생활 영어 알려드리는 카니잉글리시입니다 ^^

"Cut out for"

"cut out for" 표현은 주로 어떤 사람이 특정한 작업, 역할, 직업 또는 상황에 잘 맞거나 자연스럽게 적합한지를

묘사하는 관용구로 사용됩니다. 누군가가 어떤 것에 "cut out for"되었다고 할 때,

그것은 그들이 해당 특정 맥락에서 성공하기 위해 필요한 고유한 특성,

기술 또는 특징을 갖추고 있다는 것을 시사합니다.


한 마디로

"적성에 맞아"라는 소리입니다. ^^

예문으로 뉘앙스 확실히 파악하고 가겠습니다.


*파트 A는 영어만 / B는 한국어 해석과 같이 구성되어 있습니다.



1) With her organizational skills and attention to detail, she is cut out for a career in project management.


2) I don't think I'm cut out for the fast-paced environment of a startup; I prefer a more stable work setting.


3) His natural charisma and ability to connect with people make him cut out for a career in sales.


4) Despite his passion for technology, he realizes he's not cut out for programming; he prefers working in user

experience design.


5) She's cut out for leadership roles; her ability to make tough decisions sets her apart.


6) Some people are just cut out for entrepreneurship, thriving in the challenges and uncertainties of starting a business.


7) I never felt like I was cut out for public speaking until I took a communication course and gained confidence.


8) Growing up in a musical family, it was clear that she was cut out for a career in music.


9) His calm demeanor and problem-solving skills indicate that he's cut out for crisis management.

10) Working in a team environment suits him well; he's definitely cut out for collaborative projects.



1) With her organizational skills and attention to detail, she is cut out for a career in project management.

"그녀는 조직력과 세부 사항에 대한 주의를 갖춘 덕분에 프로젝트 관리 분야에 적합하다."

2) I don't think I'm cut out for the fast-paced environment of a startup; I prefer a more stable work setting.

"나는 스타트업의 빠른 환경에 적합하지 않은 것 같아. 나는 좀 더 안정된 작업 환경을 선호해."

3) His natural charisma and ability to connect with people make him cut out for a career in sales.

"그의 자연스러운 카리스마와 사람들과 연결하는 능력 덕분에 그는 영업 분야에 적합하다."

4) Despite his passion for technology, he realizes he's not cut out for programming; he prefers working in user

experience design.

"기술에 대한 그의 열정에도 불구하고, 그는 프로그래밍에는 적합하지 않다는 것을 깨달았다. 그는 사용자 경험 디자인에서 일하는 것을 선호한다."

5) She's cut out for leadership roles; her ability to make tough decisions sets her apart.

"리더십 역할에 적합한 인물이다. 어려운 결정을 내리는 능력이 그를 돋보이게 만든다."

6) Some people are just cut out for entrepreneurship, thriving in the challenges and uncertainties of starting a business.

"일부 사람들은 창업에 적합하다. 사업을 시작하는 도전과 불확실성에서 번창한다."

7) I never felt like I was cut out for public speaking until I took a communication course and gained confidence.

"나는 언어 강의를 듣고 자신감을 얻기 전까지는 내가 연설하기에 적합하지 않은 것 같았다."

8) Growing up in a musical family, it was clear that she was cut out for a career in music.

"음악적인 가문에서 자란 그녀에게는 분명 음악 분야에 적합한 것으로 나타났다."

9) His calm demeanor and problem-solving skills indicate that he's cut out for crisis management.

"그의 차분한 태도와 문제 해결 능력은 위기 관리에 적합하다는 것을 나타낸다."

10) Working in a team environment suits him well; he's definitely cut out for collaborative projects.

"팀 환경에서 일하는 것이 그에게 잘 맞는다. 그는 확실히 협업 프로젝트에 적합하다."



*상황에 따라서 다양하게 해석했습니다.

*프린트해서 필기를 하면서 공부하시면 더욱 도움이 될 겁니다.

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p.s 수업 문의는 댓글 남겨주세요^^
