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미국 캐나다 생활 영어: Play hardball


미국 캐나다 생활 영어: Play hardball

미국 캐나다 생활 영어: Play hardball


미국 캐나다 실생활 영어 알려드리는 카니잉글리시입니다 ^^

"Play hardball"

"하드볼을 하다"는 특히 경쟁적인 상황에서 공격적이거나 타협하지 않는 방식으로 행동하는 것을 의미하는 관용구입니다.

이것은 종종 강경한 전술이나 전략을 사용하여 목표를 달성하려는 것을 시사하며, 쉽게 주춤하거나 위협당하지 않습니다. 보다 넓은 의미로는 협상이나 상호작용에서 단호한 입장을 취하고 단호하게 행동하는 것을 의미할 수 있습니다.


한 마디로

"세게 나오다"라는 소리입니다. ^^

예문으로 뉘앙스 확실히 파악하고 가겠습니다.


*파트 A는 영어만 / B는 한국어 해석과 같이 구성되어 있습니다.



1) In negotiations, he always plays hardball to get the best deal for his company.


2) When it comes to business, she's known for playing hardball and not backing down easily.


3) The coach told the team to play hardball and give it their all in the final game of the season.


4) The company decided to play hardball with their competitors by aggressively marketing their new product.


5) During the debate, the politician decided to play hardball and attack his opponent's credibility.


6) In order to succeed in this industry, you have to be willing to play hardball and make tough decisions.


7) The lawyer warned his client that the other party was likely to play hardball during the legal proceedings.


8) When negotiating a salary raise, it's important to play hardball and emphasize your value to the company.


9) The union decided to play hardball and go on strike to demand better working conditions.


10) Facing tough competition, the team knew they had to play hardball and give their opponents a run for their money.


1) In negotiations, he always plays hardball to get the best deal for his company.

협상할 때 그는 언제나 자신의 회사를 위해 최상의 조건을 얻기 위해 하드볼을 합니다.

2) When it comes to business, she's known for playing hardball and not backing down easily.

비즈니스에 관해서는, 그녀는 하드볼을 하는 것으로 유명하며 쉽게 꺾이지 않습니다.

3) The coach told the team to play hardball and give it their all in the final game of the season.

코치는 시즌 최종 경기에서 하드볼을 하고 팀에게 모든 것을 다 하라고 말했습니다.

4) The company decided to play hardball with their competitors by aggressively marketing their new product.

회사는 새 제품을 적극적으로 마케팅하여 경쟁 업체와 하드볼을 하기로 결정했습니다.

5) During the debate, the politician decided to play hardball and attack his opponent's credibility.

토론 중에 정치인은 하드볼을 치기로 결정하고 상대방의 신뢰성을 공격했습니다.

6) In order to succeed in this industry, you have to be willing to play hardball and make tough decisions.

이 산업에서 성공하기 위해서는 하드볼을 하고 어려운 결정을 내려야 합니다.

7) The lawyer warned his client that the other party was likely to play hardball during the legal proceedings.

변호사는 클라이언트에게 상대방이 법적 절차 중에 하드볼을 할 것이라고 경고했습니다.

8) When negotiating a salary raise, it's important to play hardball and emphasize your value to the company.

연봉 인상을 협상할 때 회사에 대한 자신의 가치를 강조하고 하드볼을 하는 것이 중요합니다.

9) The union decided to play hardball and go on strike to demand better working conditions.

노동조합은 더 나은 근무 환경을 요구하기 위해 파업을 하고 하드볼을 치기로 결정했습니다.

10) Facing tough competition, the team knew they had to play hardball and give their opponents a run for their money.

치열한 경쟁을 맞닥뜨리면 팀은 하드볼을 치고 경쟁 상대에게 경쟁을 줄 것을 알고 있었습니다.


*상황에 따라서 다양하게 해석했습니다.

*프린트해서 필기를 하면서 공부하시면 더욱 도움이 될 겁니다.

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